Victory is Here | Colossians 2:13-15
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

How many of you like losing? I can’t stand losing. There is nothing like winning. We all want to be winners. The great theologian Ricky Bobby said, “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Tennis legend Jimmy Connors said, “I hate to lose more than I love to win.” Yogi Berra said, “The only thing I hate more than not winning is losing.” It seems like for the past few years, there has been a lot more losing in our lives than we want. We love sports. Sports are just controlled battles that have rules so that no one dies. It’s March Madness, for some it is gladness, for others (like me) it is sadness (it is my annual reminder that idolatry is a real thing.) We find our identity in our teams so that when our team wins, we win. Even though we didn’t do anything but sit and watch. My favorite part of the game is at the end, when the losing team stops fouling and the winning team just dribbles the ball to run out the clock (victory formation). The problem with sports is that you can win one championship one year, but you must continue to compete year after year for another one. You can never rest on your past success; it is always “what have you done for me lately.” The biggest fear for many is losing and being a loser. I think that is how a lot of people live their lives, feeling like a loser, constantly trying to prove themselves to others. When it comes to their relationship with God it is “what have you done for me lately” and they don’t feel like they can ever measure up or feel secure. But what if there was a way to not feel like a loser or constantly needing to prove yourself. What if there was a way to experience victory now and forever? The Good News of the empty tomb is that there is!

Paul was writing while he is in chains and in prison for telling people about Jesus. Even though he was in prison, he didn’t see himself as a victim but a victor, a winner not a loser. But his winning mentality was not based on himself or what he did, but who Jesus is and what Jesus had done for him. Because Jesus won the war on the old rugged cross and the empty tomb, his victory is secure forever. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone. The good news of the gospel is that we no longer have to live defeated by sin but can be delivered by the resurrection power of Jesus.

We are so thankful for the way God moved at our Easter services. Like Paul, we can have VICTORY in Christ! If you made a decision for Christ, but didn’t share that information with us on Sunday, please take a moment to click below and fill out the brief form so we can support you as you pursue Jesus’ victory!