Lindsey Graham Homecoming Concert
March 27 7:00 - 9:00 pm
We believe in the importance of this season. It's never too late to grow deeper spiritually and to serve others in the Body of Christ. There are a number of ways Senior Adults can get connected with our church.
We have opportunities for fellowship, fun, food, entertainment, education and outreach for adults 60+. This includes luncheons, trips, serving opportunities, and weekend small groups.
The “PLUS Factor”- Our aim is that our “60 Plus” members are one of the greatest blessings of First Baptist Naples!
“Plus” is not just an age range designation. It is also an acronym expressing scriptural values found in Acts 11:22-24.
P – Prayerful positive presence.
L – Leadership from a mature Christ-like character and life experience.
U – Understanding and wisdom that is gracious, loving, and kind to encourage God’s people.
S – Service – We work hard, we play hard, and we laugh a lot for the benefit of our peers, our church, and the Kingdom.
Click below to download the guide and find out more about our ministry, expectations, and upcoming events!