

The decision to be part of First Naples has been a challenge because to fellowship with the church is to believe that God has a master design for your life and give up control. I am called God’s purpose. 

That’s how everything started in August. Broken hearted, desperate for help, I cried out to God and said, “Help me because I am dying!” He heard my cry! He brought into my life this beautiful family that I work for, Mr. & Mrs. Petry. Once she heard my story, she promptly began to look for ways to help me. Mrs. Petry introduced me to Dr. Ann and I started to go to counseling with her as a single mom with five kids.

At the time, I was praying that the Holy Spirit would guide me to a church were I would grow and develop according to his purpose. He put in my heart an a sign that would show me the answer. The sign was that my kids heart will be willing to accept the new changes and live a new chapter of life.

Both Mrs. Petry and Dr. Ann invited me to attend the Women’s Bible Study. I started to attend and fall in love with the ministry and the environment. It was totally different from what I was used to! But I loved it from the moment that I was welcomed. I felt loved! Mrs. Leanne and Mrs. Linda George are great listeners and always have something good to share according to God’s Word in my table on Wednesday nights at Women’s Ministry Bible Study! I love Table #5!

Two weeks before Ian, my 14 year old daughter made the decision to be baptized! What a joy for me, because in that moment my prayers were answered. This was the sign the Lord had placed on my heart. I understood the message: to stay and keep growing! I praise the Lord that she will be baptized! And thank you to Pastor Kris Woods and the others who lead our young generation! On October 8, my beautiful daughter was baptized and one more time God’s confirmed that he was transplanted me in a place to grow and give good fruit. Praise the Lord!

The community and ministry of First Naples has been such a blessing to us! Dr. Ann and another family from First Naples Español encouraged me to ask for help managing my finances and Mr. Kent Anderson was immediately willing to teach me to be a good administrator as a head of my house. Mr. & Mrs. Moore have been a blessing in our family for all the support. They encourage us to keep going forward in what God has for us to do in this ministry of serving one to another. Mrs. Linda George and her husband connected me with a person who also serves at church with his knowledge as a mechanic and he has helped me with my car, which was damaged with water flood from Hurricane Ian. Still more hope!

It is a challenge but also a commitment to obey the Lord through His Word and also to serve His people and be one in Him. And this reminds me what the Bible says, “But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”

1 John 2:27