Feeding the 5,000 | John 6
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

Do you ever think about the food you eat? We live in a day of diets: Keto, Carnivore, Paleo, Intermittent fasting, Vegan, and others.  The average American consumes 3,600 calories a day which has risen over the past 50 years and has caused an epidemic of obesity. The USDA recommends around 2,400-3,000 calories, depending on your gender, height, and age. Did you know that there is a difference between eating a 100-calorie cookie and a 100-calorie bowl of vegetables? A lot of our processed foods have what are called “empty calories.” They aren’t as filling or beneficial for your body. When I travel to Europe and eat compared to our food in America. I can eat like a King in Europe and lose weight but eat the same foods here and gain it. Why? Because there is junk in our food. The junk in our junk food causes us to want to eat more of it and not be as satisfied, which is a great strategy if you are a food company. This is the way of our world; the processed junk of this world promises satisfaction but will never satisfy the hunger of our souls.

In John 6, Jesus performs another miracle with food. It is one of the most famous: the miracle of the loaves and the fish where Jesus feeds 20,000 people. Outside of the resurrection, it is the only miracle found in all four gospels, which means this is a very important insight into who Jesus is and what He came to do. Jesus said in 5:36 that these signs “bear witness about me that the Father has sent me.” The purpose of these signs is not to believe in miracles but to trust in Jesus. In John 6, we learn that Jesus knows our biggest problems, uses our smallest gifts, and satisfies our deepest longings.