Jesus’ Perfect Life | 2 Cor. 5:20-21
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

Modern Psychologists tell us that the answer to this is having a greater self-image; to remind ourselves daily of how great of a person we are and how “special” we are. Yet, the problem is that we look in the mirror and don’t feel special; because deep down we know that we are broken. Is there an answer to our insecurity and our brokenness? The answer is YES and that is what the Gospel message is all about! In 2 Corinthians 5:21, Paul gives us the gospel (good news) message in a nutshell: in it we see that Jesus lived a life that I could not have lived, died a death I should have died and won a war that I could never win. In Jesus’ perfect life, living a life that I could not live, we see his impeccable character, his incredible claims, and his inexhaustible compassion.