The Impact of the Cross | Mark 15:31-39
Justin Arbuckle   -  

Have you ever noticed how some moments/events shape our lives more than others?Some can be very personal: marriage, birth of kids, death of a loved one. Other events helped shape our country and world. June 6th, 1944 D-day and the invasion of Normandy turned the tide in WW2. August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King gave the “I have a dream” speech. January 9th 2007, Steve Jobs rolls out the iPhone, Some moments become the lens by which we see all other moments. We may not think about these moments but they have an impact years later.

We all exist in moments but we experience moments differently. Some moments happen but don’t make an impact but others change the course of history.

Today we are going to look at Jesus dying on the cross. The cross of Jesus is one of those moments that whether you realize it or not will impact not only your life here, but all eternity. The impact of the cross is seen by the imprint it has on our lives. The significance of the cross is measured by how the cross has shaped our lives.