Only Jesus: The Mission is Worth the Sacrifice | Colossians 1:24-29
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

What you ever seen the Mission Impossible movies? It is a $4 billion franchise starring Tom Cruise. Ethan Hunt accepts a mission that seems impossible and could end in death. The mission would be sent to him on a self-destructing recording that always included the words: “Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept…as always should you or any of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck.” In each movie, Ethan Hunt goes through intense suffering, and insurmountable challenges to fulfill the mission, save the world and kiss the girl. Why would Ethan go through all the trouble, pain, and suffering? Because the mission is worth the sacrifice. We are inspired by people who are willing to face impossible challenges to fulfill a mission that is bigger than themselves. Being a Christian means that you are a part of a mission that is bigger than yourself. You are will almost always be faced with impossible situations and many voices trying to tell you to give up. But when you know who Jesus is and what He has done for you and what He wants to do through you it gives you the strength to keep going. 

Paul is writing from prison to a growing, young church that he has never met before but has heard remarkable faith, love, and hope. Every time the Lord blesses a church, the devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy it. There were false teachers were not denying the importance of Jesus but were wanting to dethrone Him as supreme and sufficient. They were also talking smack about Paul and were using his suffering and imprisonment against him. The Colossians were wondering, “Paul, if you are a man of God, why are you suffering and why would you suffer so much?” Paul began his letter addressing the supremacy of Christ and now he is transitioning to explain why and how he can suffer. When you know who Jesus is and what He has done, you will know why I am suffering. The reality is that what is true for Paul should be true for all of us who are believers living for Jesus. Paul is a servant of Christ who is suffering for Christ in the strength of Christ.