The Theology of Sleep | Psalm 127
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

Do you have trouble sleeping? Sleep deprivation is an epidemic among many Americans. Over 40 million Americans sleep less than 6 hours each night. Most sleep studies have found that the majority of Americans over  the age of 10 do not get enough sleep at night. Around 25% of Americans suffer with some form of insomnia; 50-70 million have some sort of sleep disorder. The older you get the less sleep you need but the harder it can be to sleep. You get your  first nap during the Price is Right and a later nap during Wheel of Fortune. Neuroscientists and medical doctors say that sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health: it can boost your immune system, prevent weight gain, strengthen your heart, create a better mood, improve memory, increase your exercise performance, and help your relationships.

This message is NOT all about how to get a good night sleep according to a medical doctor, some of you have diagnosable sleeping maladies and disorders and this message is not telling you that you have some spiritual problem because you can’t sleep at night. But this message IS about what it means to trust God in the midst of the ordinary challenges and  opportunities of life so that we can get a good night’s sleep. The reality is that there is a spiritual component to sleep.  

Psalm 127 is a Song of Ascent (120-134) that were sung by the Israelites as they ascended in their pilgrimage to  Jerusalem for worship at the annual feasts. This was their playlist that helped focus their minds and hearts on the Lord to prepare them for worship. Psalm 127 was written by King Solomon. The song teaches us that human effort is useless apart from God whether it is building a house, protecting a city, or raising  children. God gives us sleep as a gift to point us to that reality and this song is a lullaby that helps God’s people get a good  night’s sleep. God will give us the sleep we need when we trust in His sovereign work over us and special love for us.