Worship and Rest | Luke 10:38-42
Dr. Alan Brumback   -  

How many of you struggle with being distracted? Distraction does not produce healthy, balanced, productive people but the opposite. Distraction keeps us from being in the moment; it keeps us from having meaningful conversations; it keeps us from being focused on the important issues rather than the urgent. The Sabbath or rest is about reorienting and reassuring our hearts and minds in God.

In Luke 10, Jesus is training His disciples to be disciples who make disciples. He is using everyday interactions as teaching points for his disciples to prepare them. The interesting thing about Jesus is that He was constantly busy but never in a hurry. At the end of Ch. 10, Luke tells a story that only appears in his gospel about two sisters who loved Jesus but one was very distracted in her love for Jesus. The story is an example of how the distractions of life can keep us from the presence of Jesus. In this story, Jesus is going to teach us that being is greater than doing and that worship is better than worrying.