Worship with Us

Worship with Us

Christmas Eve

Join us for a special candlelight service on Christmas Eve, Dec 24th in the Worship Center!

Service times and details on Kids’ programming and Spanish translation coming soon.

For your Family

For your Family

Christmas can be one of the sweetest times to celebrate with your family and make memories and set traditions that will last for generations. All of our Christmas activities are family friendly!

Services are ~1 hour. If your littles need a break, we have a parent room located at the back of the Worship Center, or seating in the Fellowship Hallway and Commons with TVs where you can continue to be a part of our services. A Nursing Room is also available in the Preschool hallway just across the Courtyard.

What to Expect

Where do I go?
Where do I go?

If it’s your first time with us, follow the BLUE arrows and signs in the parking lot to the “First Time Guest” parking outside the Courtyard. Greeters will be there to help you find your way to the worship center, check in your kids, or visit the cafe!

What will the service be like?
What will the service be like?

Our services are ~1 hour long and will be led by our contemporary worship choir and band. Pastor Alan will share a message from 1 John and each service will conclude with candle lighting as we reflect on Jesus’ coming and His love for each of us!

All services (10:00, 11:30, 3:00, + 5:00) will be the same. We recommend arriving ~15 minutes before service starts to say hello, check in your kids, a find a seat.

What do I wear?
What do I wear?

You are welcome as you are! Some prefer to dress in their festive Christmas best and others prefer jeans. We are happy to have you worship with us, whether you’re wearing jeans and tennis shoes or your best dress!

Where's the best place to take a family photo?
Where's the best place to take a family photo?

The courtyard is a great spot to stop for a picture! The fountain or Christmas trees are a favorite, but, if you prefer that “Florida” feel, there’s plenty of palm branches to gather in front of as well! Anyone with a blue “How Can I Help You” lanyard would be more than happy to help take your photo so the whole family can be in it!

Naples Christmas Celebration

Naples Christmas Celebration

Christmas is right around the corner, so make plans to join us for our annual Naples Christmas Celebration. It will include a full orchestra, choirs of all ages, and an inspiring nativity display. Our theme this year is “Joy Evermore.” May God’s Joy reign in your hearts forevermore!


  • Thursday, Dec 5 at 7:00pm
  • Friday, Dec. 6 at 7:00pm
  • Saturday, Dec 7 at 4:00pm.

Ticket sales will begin online on Nov. 1st.