Next Steps

What Is The Gospel?

What exactly do Christians mean when they talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ? Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus. It’s a message from God saying, “Good news! Here is how you can be saved!” That’s an announcement you can’t afford to ignore.

If you would like to connect with a Pastor from our church to talk more about how you can accept the gospel and invite Jesus Christ in your life, please call our church office, or email us.

Check out the video below for an easy explanation of The 3 Circles on how you can apply the truth of the gospel to your life today.

Discover First

The Discover First class is a great opportunity to get to know our staff, find out more about what we believe, and get answers to your questions in a fun and friendly environment. Our next Discover First class is scheduled for November 3rd at 11:30am. Click below to register today!

Next Steps - Membership + Baptism

We believe that the key to a healthy Christian lifestyle consists of a commitment to the Church, but most importantly to God's Kingdom. A member of First Naples is somebody who is committed to both and continually growing where God has them. Over time, their growth reaches beyond the church walls by serving and ultimately sending the Gospel from Naples to the Nations. We believe this is an ongoing cycle of commitment, growth, and going. Our goal is to walk alongside you, equipping you to take the Next Step in your faith journey!

Why Is Church Membership Important?
Why Is Church Membership Important?

Church Membership is important because we all need a place to belong. By becoming a member, we commit to caring for you when you’re in need and you commit to caring for others in our church family in their times of need. We hold each other accountable (as God’s Word requires us) to seek the Lord and to walk in His ways. We were never meant to live the Christian life as a lone ranger. Hebrews 10 calls us to meet with other believers in order to encourage one another…spurring each other on to love and good deeds. When we work together, united with other believers, we are able to do far more for the Kingdom of God than we could ever do on our own.

Who Can Be A Member?
Who Can Be A Member?

We believe that Jesus calls all people of every race, tribe, and nation to follow Him and trust Him as Lord and Savior. Consequently, we invite biblically baptized believers to be a part of our local church body.

Steps Of Membership

To join our church, one must be saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, baptized by immersion, and attend Discover First.


Baptism is a unique opportunity to tell others about your faith in Jesus. We believe that a person is saved and then baptized. Baptism is evidence of a person’s individual decision to become a follower of Jesus. Baptism does not make our salvation official. It’s a way of displaying a prior decision to follow Jesus.


Discover First is where you get to know us, and we get to know you! Discover First is a Sunday class where one of our pastors shares the vision and mission of our church. This is where you can learn who we are, what we are doing, and where we are going. Our next Discover First class will be September 8th at 11:30am. Click below to register for the time that best fits your schedule!

Chris Lowery

Academy Campus Pastor

Frank Morrison

Next Steps Coordinator