What a MESS!

What a MESS!

At First Naples VBS “What a Mess!” kids will learn that Jesus loves them, no matter how messy life is! Through all of our messes, and mistakes, God’s grace is is made perfect in our weakness. Kids will have so much fun learning God’s Word through themed activities, games, and large group teaching!

June 2-6, 2025

9:00am – 12:15pm

VBS is open to kids ages 4 years old by Sept. 1st through current 5th graders. Registration is $20 and includes all VBS activities and a t-shirt!

*VBS is non-refundable and non-transferable

Spots are limited, register now!

Missions Lunch

Missions Lunch

Our Missions Ministry is excited to make your VBS experience even better by offering daily lunch “to-go” options. Not only will it make lunchtime easier, but you’ll be contributing to our summer Mission Team members’ missions trips!

Pre-ordering online will be available, and limited quantities of walk-up orders will be available to purchase in the Courtyard from 8-10 am each day of VBS. Meals can be picked up in the Courtyard starting at 11:30 am.

More details coming!

Order your VBS lunches online and help launch our summer missionaries as they spread the Good News of Jesus to the World! Thank you for your support!

Serve at Vacation Bible School

Serve with us and help lead and train our kids to know Christ and live on mission! All volunteers must be in 6th grade or older. Click below to sign up!

All volunteers will need to complete a volunteer application and background check if haven't already done so. Any teens in 6th grade through 15 years old need to be a regular attender of First Naples, and teens 16 years of age or older must be a member of First Naples.

Donate VBS Snacks

Snacks are a key part of VBS, we’ve gotta stay fueled up for all the fun that happens! You can donate snacks by clicking the button below and selecting some snacks from our Amazon wish list! You can send them right to the church, no grocery store trip necessary!

You can also drop off individually wrapped snacks like potato chips, pretzels, Cheez-Its, chocolate chip cookies, or Pirate’s Booty in the buckets located around our campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grade do I register my child for?

Please register them for the school grade they are currently in (2024-2025), not the grade they will attend next school year.

My child is 4 years old, can they attend?

VBS is open to kids ages 4 years old by Sept. 1st, 2025.

If  your child does not meet that deadline, we look forward to having them join in the fun next year!

We have other commitments June 2-6. Can my child still participate in some of the days?

Absolutely! We would love for every kid to be able to attend every day, but we know that isn’t always the case.

You can register your child normally. Just let their classroom teacher know if they will not be attending the next day.

My friend/family member are helping me with transportation. Are they allowed to pick up/drop off my child?

Yes, friends and family are able to pick up your child from their classroom if they have the security tag that is printed at check in. A picture on your phone of the security tag will also be accepted.

In order to drop off your child, they will need to be registered in our system with permission to check in your child.

Parents will receive two tags per child plus one pick up tag per family. Your child will wear a name tag and the tag labeled “teacher copy” will be given to your child’s teacher. The family security tag will be used for pick-up. When you are ready to pick up your child, present the security tag to your child’s teacher.

My child has food allergies. What snacks are being provided?

We will have a variety of individually packaged snacks throughout the week. Food allergies should be noted in the registration process. We are able to provide gluten-free + nut-free snack options.

How do I purchase a shirt for my child?

All you need to do is register! T-Shirts are included in the $20 registration cost.

Why is there a $20 cost?

The $20 cost of registration includes a T-Shirt for your child. This also helps us better prepare and track registrations so that we can provide an incredible experience for all the kids and families involved in VBS this year.